Monday, October 07, 2013

shooing with a gum

How does one introduce a child to "forbidden/taboo" notions. I am not talking about sex education here. We still have some way to go before we get there.
Our 4 yr old gets very little TV time and whatever precious little he gets to watch is typically kiddy, animation stuff - main-stream TV is completely off the hook since we do not watch any TV/videos/movies when he is around. He is not into action figures or anything like that either. Of late though, we hear words from him such as "I will shoo you with a gum". It took as a while before we mapped this to "I will shoot you with a gun". We are guessing he got this from his school friends (who may have elder siblings around). Now, I am not sure what he understands about gun/what happens when someone shoots with it etc..I am not entirely sure how to explain this to him either. While I would want to shield him from such talks for as long as I can, I also don't want him to be ignorant of these concepts and worse learn about these things from his friends for the first time. Would love to know how my readers would talk about these (gun, swords, violence in general) to a active,still-innocent, over-imaginative kid in a healthy manner. 

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