Friday, October 24, 2014

The spark
The warm glow
The idea of you
All seemed so very lovely
Kindled thoughts heretofore hidden deep
A brief but a sweet sojourn
You were loved every single moment
A blessing, a loving memory
We will miss you and cherish you (Diya)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Conversations Part I

While putting Naman to bed the other day, this is what he told his Pappa:

N: I love mumma from here to sun and back
P: Oh! How much do you love me?
N: From California to Nevada.
P: Sad face
N: ok ok from California to Florida
P: Still sad
N: From earth to jupiter!
P: I want you to love me as much as mumma
N: But why? 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Small victories

This month has been a interview month in our house and for nothing less than kiddo's kindergarten admission. Oh yes! it is extremely competitive and cut-throat even at his age! He is at a blissful age where interviews/tests don't get to him yet (hopefully it never catches up with him) but admittedly, I have had a couple of sleepless nights over them. We had the second and most likely the final interview today. The first one, we are still waiting to hear a pass/fail from the school. He did make it through in today's test with flying colors! What unbounded joy flows through your whole being when you hear an absolutely perfect stranger sing praises of your kid and that too in superlative terms!! So anyways, here's to my charming little fella. May you always be happy and healthy!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Give me pink

Getting dressed this morning, saw a pink piece of cloth and had the urge to wear something pink to work. After a few minutes of frantic searching, realized that I have not even a single piece of pink clothing in my wardrobe. How revolting and uncool is that!!
I wonder how this could have happened. Maybe all this talk of girls=pink must have triggered a sub-conscious "no pink this time"  syndrome in me while shopping. Rest assured, this needs to be corrected ASAP and goes right to the top of my shopping list of course.